Product Offering

Let Us Help You Close More Business!

Premier provides non-owner occupied or business purpose private money financing in all property sectors

Choose a Plan that Fits your Bridge Loan Needs Type Property Requirements Borrower Background Borrower Recourse Max Leverage Ratio Loan Size Loan Terms Loan Closing Valuation

Rehab Fin
(85% LTC) Apply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • Detached, townhouse, condo
  • 2-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • LTARV – 70%
  • LTP – 85%
  • $100k – $1M
  • 6, 9, 12 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

FinancingApply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • Detached, townhouse, condo
  • 2-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • LTARV – 70%
  • LTP – 85%
  • $100k – $2.5M
  • 6, 9, 12 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

Fix & Flip
Apply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • Detached, townhouse, condo
  • 2-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • LTP – 85%
  • LTV – 85%
  • $100k – $3M
  • 6, 9, 12 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

BridgeApply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • Detached, townhouse, condo
  • 2-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • LTP – 75%
  • LTV – 75%
  • $100k – $2.5M
  • 12, 24, 36 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

Multi-Fam Commercial
Bridge Apply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • Multi-Family
  • Commercial
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • LTP – 75%
  • LTV – 75%
  • $100k – $3M
  • 12, 24 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

2nd / 3rd
Apply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • 1-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Commercial
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • 2nd TD – 55% CLTV
  • 3rd TD – 45% CLTV
  • $100k – $750k
  • 12, 24 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

Land Loans
Apply Now
  • Non-Owner occupied
  • Investor loans
  • 1-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Commercial
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • 50% LTV – Suburban
  • 30% LTV – Rural
  • $100k – $1M
  • 12, 24 months
  • PMS will draft loan documents and coordinate closing
  • Exterior Inspection
  • In-house desktop valuation

Non QM
Apply Now
  • Owner Occupied
    bank statement
  • Non-Owner occupied
    bank statement
  • 1-4 unit
  • Multi-Family
  • Commercial
  • Minimum 600 FICO
  • No foreclosures, bankruptcies, or short sales in past 36 months
  • Entity or Individuals – US citizens or permanent resident aliens
    with valid SSN
  • Three months of reserves at time of close
  • No borrower income verification required

Waivers available for FICO, FC, BK, and SS with higher
down-payment or prepayment of interest

  • Always required
  • Up to 85%
  • $100k – $5M
  • 30 year
  • Exterior Inspection

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